Turkiye Aims to Increase Bilateral Trade with Pakistan to $5bn: Envoy

Sat Jun 08 2024
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FAISALABAD: Turkish Ambassador to Pakistan Dr. Mehmet Pacaci said on Saturday that Pakistan and Turkiye must adopt a targeted strategy to enhance cooperation, particularly in IT, AI, education, health, and tourism to increase bilateral trade to $5 billion.

Addressing the business community at the Faisalabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry (FCCI), Dr. Pacaci highlighted the exceptional relations between both countries at governmental, societal, and business levels. Despite these strong ties, he noted the current trade volume remains stagnant at $1 billion and stressed the need for collaborative efforts to unlock untapped potential.

In his address, Dr. Pacaci also acknowledged Pakistan’s humanitarian aid during Turkiye’s earthquake and highlighted mutual support on issues like Kashmir and Cyprus.

He mentioned Turkiye’s provision of educational scholarships to Pakistani students and initiatives for faculty exchange as examples of bilateral cooperation.

Earlier, Dr. Khurram Tariq, President of FCCI, highlighted Faisalabad’s role in socio-economic development. “We intend to create an IT and AI conducive eco-system which could not only benefit this city but to Pakistan and even to the Islamic world also”, he added.

Regarding Pak-Turkiye relations, Dr. Tariq urged for increased bilateral trade proportional to the friendly ties, noting Turkiye’s technological advancements and proposing the establishment of a Turkish Commercial Office in Faisalabad to promote Turkish technology.

Dr. Sajjad Arshad, Senior Vice President of FCCI, thanked the Turkish envoy and called for a liberal visa regime for FCCI members and their families, endorsed by former FCCI President Mian Muhammad Adrees.

Nurettin Demir, Commercial Counselor of Turkiye, mentioned the embassy’s prioritized visa issuance for the business community.

Various FCCI members and officials from the Turkiye embassy were also present during the meeting.


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