Turkmenistan’s President Calls for Supporting Afghanistan

Wed Sep 18 2024
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ASTANA:  President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov has called on the world to help transform Afghanistan into a peaceful nation and a valuable economic partner. He expressed these remarks at the “Central Asia–Germany” summit in Astana.

He assessed the situation in Afghanistan based on the fact that today the people of Afghanistan have a chance and real opportunities to overcome a tough, long-term period and transition to creative, countrywide work to restore institutions of the economy and social sphere, obtain and assert peace, unity and harmony in the country.


He said, “We believe that the world needs to help the people of Afghanistan to show realism, foresight as well as responsibility in this regarding. And discarding the secondary focus on the main targets – to assist transform Afghanistan into a peaceful and stable country, a valuable and promising economic partner, a respected as well as equal state, a member of the international community.”

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov said that the nations of Central Asia and Germany should focus on these tasks, using global and regional platforms, and enhance diplomatic communication.

“Ensuring the execution of large infrastructure as well as economic projects with the participation of Afghanistan, and helping to attract external investments to them” he further said.

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