Two Killed in IED Blast Targeting MPA Sardar Rind’s Son

Sat Mar 11 2023
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Staff Report

QUETTA: Two security guards were killed, and another sustained injury in an improvised explosive device (IED) blast targeting the convoy of Balochistan MPA Sardar Yar Mohammad Rind’s son Sardar Khan Rind in Nosham area of Balochistan.

In a statement, Fahad Shah Rashdi – Assistant Commissioner of the Dhadar area, said that unidentified miscreants planted an improvised explosive device (IED) at Nosham road, which exploded when Mir Sardar Khan’s convoy was passing through the area.

“Two guards were killed, and another was injured in the IED explosion while Sardar Khan Rind remained unharmed in the blast,” the Assistant Commissioner said. He said that the dead and the injured were moved to District Headquarters Hospital Dhadar for treatment.

The MPA corroborated the police official’s statement and said, “There has been a blast [targeting] my elder son Sardar Khan Rind’s convoy. He is safe, although others in the convoy have been martyred and injured,” Rind said.

CM Balochistan condemns the blast

Meanwhile, Balochistan Chief Minister Abdul Qudoos Bizenjo condemned the attack and expressed regret over the loss of life and those injured.

He ordered that all resources be utilized to bring the culprits to justice. “The terrorist elements want to create fear and panic. The law and order situation in the Balochistan province will be maintained in any case,” the Chief Minister maintained.

The Chief Minister also extended his condolences to the victims’ families and offered prayers for the deceased.

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