UK Airports Face Nationwide Border System Issue, Causing Major Delays for Passengers

Sat May 27 2023
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LONDON: Passengers arriving at airports across the United Kingdom (UK) experienced significant delays on Saturday as a nationwide issue affected the automated border control gates responsible for scanning passports upon arrival.

Long queues and frustrated travelers were witnessed at London’s Heathrow and Gatwick airports, with some passengers reporting wait times of several hours.

The British government’s interior ministry, which oversees border control, acknowledged the nationwide problem and assured that efforts were underway to resolve the issue promptly.

A spokesperson stated that they were working closely with port operators and airlines to minimize disruption for travelers. Heathrow Airport, the busiest airport in the UK, deployed additional staff to manage the queues and collaborated with Border Force to address the problem.

While foreign visitors often need to see a border control officer upon arrival, certain individuals, including British, EU, and U.S. citizens, have the option to use the automated gates, known as e-gates, for passport scanning and entry.

However, due to the system issue, all passengers had to be processed through manual checkpoints, causing delays and congestion at airports.

Disruption Amid Busy Period for Travel in UK

The disruption occurred during a busy period for travel in the UK, with a spring bank holiday approaching on Monday and a half-term break for schools scheduled for the following week.

Passengers took to social media to express their frustration, sharing images of lengthy queues and recounting their experiences of chaotic scenes upon landing. One traveler posted on Twitter about the two-hour queues and the subsequent wait to reach the actual queue at Heathrow Airport.

Over the past year, British airlines and airports have faced various disruptions, including strikes involving airport staff and Border Force workers, as well as flight cancellations caused by staff shortages during the previous summer.

The recent border system issue adds to the challenges faced by the aviation industry and highlights the need for effective measures to mitigate such incidents in the future.

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