UK Grand Coronation Party Draws to Close with Volunteer Drive

Mon May 08 2023
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LONDON: People across the United Kingdom were asked to perform their duty as the celebrations for new King Charles III’s coronation drew close with a huge volunteering drive on Monday.

After the majesty and pomp of Saturday’s service and Sunday’s concert and street party event, Britishers were urged to join in the “Big Help Out”, a lasting volunteering legacy to mark King Charles’s crowning.

The coalition of faith groups and volunteers organising the initiative hoped hundreds of thousands of Britons would join in, with over 1,500 charities involved.

While the monarch will take a break from the public glare on Monday, his son Prince William will take a puppy class at the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association Training Centre (GDBATC) as part of the volunteer program.

Buckingham Palace said that they wholly support the Big Help Out events taking place right across the country… (the King and Queen) will not be attending any events in person.

The monarch was the guest of honour at Sunday’s star-studded huge concert watched by 20,000 fans at Windsor Castle and millions across the UK and the world.

The monarchs Charles and Camilla watched from a royal box on the castle ground west of London as Katy Perry, Lionel Richie, and the British band Take That entertained watchers.

Screens across UK

Screens erected across the country broadcast the televised concert — featuring a 70-piece orchestra, choirs and other unique dramatic performances.

The organisers said it would also be seen in more than 100 countries.

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