UK Gulf War Veterans Will Launch Legal Suit Against Government

Sun Mar 12 2023
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LONDON: The UK veterans of the Gulf War have discovered a letter that could grant them the right to file a major lawsuit against the UK Defense Ministry, western media reported on Saturday. The Daily Telegraph reported that British veterans say that they continue to suffer from Gulf War Syndrome, which causes joint pain, chronic fatigue, memory loss, and headaches.

Around 17,000 of the 51,000 UK military personnel who served in the Gulf War have suffered symptoms linked with the syndrome, which veterans say started following they were administered vaccines to lessen the impact of biological and chemical weapons. The veterans have sought to initiate legal action against the UK Government since the end of the Gulf War in 1991.

UK Gulf War Veterans

At least 2,000 veterans had launched a case for millions of pounds in compensation for war Syndrome in 2004, but the case collapsed because of a lack of scientific evidence. However, the newly revealed letter by advisers to ex-Prime Minister John Major could give the green light to start a new legal action against the UK’s government. Many retired civil servants who also served in Whitehall during the Gulf war are also coming forward to assist the veterans’ group to launch legal action against the Government and Defense Ministry.

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UK Ministry of Defense

The veterans’ legal team, led by Hilary Meredith-Beckham is set to file over 200 compensation claims. Meredith-Beckham has discovered the letter in her own archives. She said that they have discovered the letter and that the Ministry of Defense should honor its responsibilities over the matter. She said that they sent personnel including men and women into a highly toxic environment without thinking about their protection. A spokesperson for the UK Defense Ministry said that they could not comment on the ongoing lawsuit. It added that they are, however, obligated to all those who served the country in the Gulf wars.

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