UK Imposes Sanctions on Syrian Leaders and Congolese Rebels

Mon Jun 19 2023
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LONDON: The United Kingdom has announced the imposition of new sanctions targeting individuals involved in conflict-related sexual violence. As part of these measures, the UK has targeted Syria’s defense minister and the head of its armed forces, along with two rebel leaders from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

The Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) revealed that Ali Mahmoud Abbas, Syria’s defense minister, and Abdel Karim Mahmoud Ibrahim, the chief of the general staff of the Syrian Army and Armed Forces, will face asset freezes and travel bans. The FCDO highlighted their commanding roles in the Syrian military, which has been accused of systematic use of rape and other forms of sexual and gender-based violence against civilians.

UK Sanctions on Two Congolese Rebels

In addition to the Syrian officials, the FCDO also imposed sanctions on two rebel leaders from the restive eastern region of the DRC. Desire Londroma Ndjukpa, the head of the Cooperative for the Development of the Congo (CODECO) militia, and William Yakutumba, leader of the armed Mai-Mai Yakutumba rebel group and a former army deserter, are now subject to asset freezes and travel bans. The FCDO cited their groups’ involvement in rape and mass rape, constituting a violation of international humanitarian law.

Tariq Ahmad, junior foreign minister, emphasized the importance of stopping threats of sexual violence and providing support to survivors. He stated, “These sanctions send a clear signal to perpetrators that the UK will hold you accountable for your horrendous crimes.”

The international community has increasingly recognized the significance of addressing sexual violence as a weapon in conflict and providing assistance to victims. The UK’s sanctions aim to deter such actions and contribute to a safer and more just environment. By imposing targeted measures, the UK government intends to discourage the use of sexual violence and promote accountability for those responsible.

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