UK Organizations Strongly Denounce Indian SC’s Verdict on Abrogation of IIOJK’s Special Status

Tue Dec 12 2023
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LONDON: Various political and social organizations in the United Kingdom have strongly reacted to the Monday decision by the Indian Supreme Court over appeals against the abrogation of Article 370 and Article 35A of the Constitution, safeguarding the special status of the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IIOJK).

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Chaudhry Dilpazir, President of PTI London, denounced the Indian apex court’s biased decision, asserting that no country has the right to annex Kashmir without the explicit consent of its people. He announced plans to approach the International Court of Justice against the decision, emphasizing its contradiction to UN resolutions allowing Kashmiri people to decide their future.

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Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) UK also condemned the decision, calling it an insult to the judicial process. JKLF UK President Syed Tahsin Gillani expressed concerns over the loss of independence and credibility in Indian institutions, including the judiciary, accusing them of serving the far-right BJP government’s agenda. JKLF’s leadership will hold a meeting this week in light of Monday’s decision.

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Fahim Kiyani, President of Tehreek-e-Kashmir UK, declared the decision illegal, unconstitutional, and against UN resolutions. He cited UN resolutions #122 and #126, emphasizing that neither the Indian Parliament nor the President has the authority to decide on the future of IIOJK. 

He mentioned that the death sentence handed to Afzal Guru underscores the evident bias and political motivation behind the Indian Supreme Court’s decisions regarding IIOJK and its people.

UK-Based Kashmiri Outlets Say Unilateral Decision on IIOJK Unacceptable

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Muzzammil Ayyub Thakur, President of the World Kashmir Freedom Movement (WKFM), stated that the verdict by India’s Supreme Court doesn’t matter to the people of Indian Occupied Kashmir. What should matter is the blatant disregard and violation of UN Security Council resolutions and international law. 

He said that Kashmiris do not recognize India’s claim on Kashmir, and the ruling only legitimizes the occupation, subjugation, and oppression of the people of Kashmir. Article 370 or not, Kashmir remains a disputed territory. India still maintains over 1 million armed personnel in Kashmir, enforces illegal draconian laws, and continues to commit war crimes, crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing, and genocide. 

Moreover, the introduction of settler colonization aims to force demographic change. While the world strongly opposes Israeli apartheid in Palestine and condemns the crimes committed, we expect the same level of outrage for India’s 76-year annihilation of Kashmir, resulting in a catastrophic situation.

Raja Sikander Khan, Chairman of Pak Kashmir Global Supreme Council, deemed the unilateral decision of the Indian government on August 5, 2019, and the backing by the Indian top court unacceptable. He called for the implementation of UNSC resolutions on Kashmir and warned of disastrous consequences for any unilateral actions.

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Qazi Abdul Aziz Chisti, General Secretary of Markazi Jammat Ahle Sunnat UK and Overseas Trust, strongly condemned the Indian Supreme Court’s verdict on the abrogation of the special constitutional status of IIOJK. He argued that the decision, contrary to UN Security Council resolutions, would escalate the barbarism of Indian troops on Kashmiris and demanded the resolution of the Kashmir issue according to international law and UN resolutions.

It is pertinent to mention that in August 2019, Modi’s government took measures to strengthen its control over the Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir region by eliminating a constitutional provision that allowed the region to formulate its own laws and restricted foreign nationals from purchasing land in the region.

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