UK-supported Solar Initiative in South Punjab to Offset 106,000 Tons of CO2 Annually

Fri Jan 19 2024
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ISLAMABAD: The Atlas Solar Farm, backed by the UK government’s development finance institution British International Investment (BII) will contribute an additional 100 MW of clean and affordable power to more than 100,000 households in South Punjab.

According to a news release issued on Friday, the initiative is expected to prevent the emission of 106,000 tons of CO2 annually.

During her visit to a UK-supported solar farm in South Punjab focused on climate change mitigation, British High Commissioner Jane Marriott said that Pakistan has significant potential to lead in solar energy, which could potentially power the entire country.

She said that the UK’s ongoing investment in this innovation playing a crucial role in promoting a healthier and more sustainable future.

While in South Punjab, the High Commissioner engaged with various development partners, including Maries Stopes Society, Captain (Rt) Saqib Zafar, Additional Chief Secretary South Punjab, and Eng. Amir Khattak, Commissioner Multan.

The UK has provided support to the government of Punjab in reducing its unsustainable debt by Rs. 469 billion by streamlining wheat operations and decreasing liabilities by Rs. 2.7 trillion through pension reform.

Moreover, during her visit, High Commissioner Marriott toured the MG Apparel manufacturing plant, a subsidiary of Mahmood Textiles Limited, one of Pakistan’s major supporters and leading exporters of clothing to the UK.

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