Ukraine Says Half of Western Arms Delivered Later Than Promised

Sun Feb 25 2024
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KYIV: Ukraine’s Defense Minister, Rustem Umerov, lamented on Sunday that half of the military aid pledged by Western countries arrives later than promised, significantly affecting Ukraine’s ability to defend itself against Russian attacks and resulting in avoidable casualties.

Speaking at a forum commemorating the second anniversary of Russia’s invasion, Umerov highlighted the critical consequences of delayed deliveries of military assistance, particularly amid Ukraine’s ongoing struggle with an ammunition shortage. He emphasized that while commitments are made, the actual delivery of aid often falls short of expectations, hindering Ukraine’s defense efforts as it confronts the relentless aggression from Russian forces.

Western Military Support for Ukraine

European countries, grappling with logistical challenges, have acknowledged that they will not meet their target of delivering over one million artillery shells to Ukraine by March, aiming instead to complete the shipments by the end of the year. Umerov stressed that such delays place Ukraine at a significant disadvantage in its conflict with Russia, especially considering Russia’s perceived air superiority and ongoing military buildup.

Highlighting the urgency of timely aid delivery, Umerov warned that delays could result in further territorial losses and casualties for Ukraine, exacerbating the challenges faced by its military forces on the frontlines. Despite Ukraine’s relentless efforts to defend its sovereignty, Umerov underscored the critical importance of timely and comprehensive support from its international partners.

Ukraine’s Prime Minister, Denys Shmygal, expressed confidence in continued support from the United States, urging for immediate financial, military, and armed assistance. President Volodymyr Zelensky echoed this sentiment during discussions with G7 leaders, emphasizing the urgency of ensuring the rapid delivery of weapons to bolster Ukraine’s defense capabilities.


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