Ukrainian Attack Kills Six in Russian City of Belgorod, Officials Say

Thu Feb 15 2024
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MOSCOW: A Ukrainian rocket attack struck the Russian city of Belgorod on Thursday, resulting in the deaths of at least six persons and leaving over a dozen others wounded, officials said as reported by AFP.

Belgorod, situated approximately 30 kilometers (19 miles) from the Ukrainian border, has become a repeated target of what Moscow alleges to be indiscriminate cross-border shelling.

Videos circulating on social media showed scenes of destruction, with a shattered storefront surrounded by debris and the sounds of distress echoing in the background. Shockingly, one video showed a covered body lying nearby.

The Russian health ministry confirmed the tragic toll, and stated that among the deceased were one child and five adults, while another 17 persons, including four children, sustained injuries of varying severity.

Ukrainian Attack on Russian City

Officials attributed the attack to Ukraine, stating that a shopping center bore the brunt of the assault. Additionally, Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov disclosed that five apartment buildings and seven houses suffered damage as well.

The Russian defense ministry claimed that it intercepted 14 Ukrainian rockets over the region, purportedly fired from an RM-70 multiple rocket launcher system. However, it remained unclear whether the rockets struck the buildings directly or if the damage ensued from falling debris after interception by air defenses.

As of now, there has been no immediate comment from Kyiv regarding the incident. Witnesses recounted harrowing moments of chaos and fear, with one vendor describing how she and her customers sought refuge upon hearing the ominous “booms” of the rockets.

The attack in Belgorod comes in the wake of heightened tensions between Russia and Ukraine, with authorities initiating evacuations last month following a similar assault in December that claimed the lives of 25 individuals.

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