UN Chief Expresses Concern Over Underfunding of Humanitarian Aid

Wed Jun 21 2023
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GENEVA: United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres addressed the Humanitarian Affairs Segment of the UN Economic and Social Council on Wednesday, expressing his dismay at the chronic underfunding of aid worldwide, despite escalating humanitarian needs.

Guterres emphasized that the combination of chronic underfunding and record levels of humanitarian crises has pushed the system to its limits. He revealed that, halfway through 2023, only 20 percent of the required funds outlined in the UN Global Humanitarian Appeal have been received.

The UN chief underscored the severity of the situation, stating, “This is causing a crisis within a crisis. Without a solution to the funding crisis, further cuts are inevitable.” The lack of financial resources hampers the ability to adequately respond to pressing humanitarian needs across the globe.

UN Appeal for $2.57 Billion for Sudan

Highlighting the urgent need for increased support, Guterres referenced the recent international donor conference where close to $1.5 billion was pledged to aid Sudan. The African nation has been grappling with a grave humanitarian crisis, leading to the displacement of approximately 2.2 million people.

Prior to the conference, the UN had issued an appeal for $2.57 billion to provide humanitarian support within Sudan for the current year. However, it had only received approximately 17 percent of the required funding. Additionally, an appeal for nearly $500 million to assist refugees fleeing Sudan had only reached 15 percent of its funding target.

The underfunding of humanitarian aid not only undermines the UN’s efforts to address immediate crises but also hampers long-term recovery and stability. Urgent action is required from the international community to bridge the funding gap and ensure that essential support reaches those in desperate need.

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