Monitoring Desk
NEW YORK: The UN chief warned on Tuesday that sea levels have risen faster since 1900 across the world, and their persistent increase puts nations like China, India, Bangladesh, and the Netherlands at risk and deeply endangers about 900 million people living in coastal areas.
UN chief
In a speech to the UNSC’s meeting on the threat to peace and security from rising sea levels, Antonio Guterres declared that sea levels will rise even if global warming is limited to 1.5 degrees Celsius.
The UN Chief warned the Earth is more likely on the way to warming, that amounts to “a death sentence” for states vulnerable to that rise, including many small nations. Guterres added that mega-cities on every continent would also face serious effects, including Lagos, Cairo, Maputo, Dhaka, Bangkok, Jakarta, Mumbai, Shanghai, Copenhagen, London, New York, Los Angeles, Buenos Aires, and Santiago.
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He stressed that every portion of a degree in global warming counts and could rise exponentially with further temperature increases. The UN Chief added that the consequences are unthinkable. The entire countries could disappear while the world would witness a mass migration of entire populations, while competition would become ever fiercer for land, freshwater, and other resources.
The world body chief has been trying to call the world’s focus on the dangers posed by climate change to branch action.