UN Chief Visiting Central Asia to Discuss Climate Change and Multilateralism

Sat Jun 29 2024
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TASHKENT: United Nations Secretary General António Guterres is set to embark on a visit to Central Asian countries starting June 29, Trends reported.

During his tour, the UN Secretary General will engage in high-level meetings with heads of state and senior government officials across the region. The visit will also include reviews of various projects aimed at combating climate change, alongside talks with local activists and stakeholders.

António Guterres will commence his visit in Uzbekistan, marking the beginning of his diplomatic outreach in Central Asia. This initiative underscores the United Nations’ commitment to strengthening partnerships with Central Asian nations on critical global issues.

The Secretary General will attend the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in Astana on July 4. At the summit, António Guterres will deliver a speech emphasizing the importance of multilateralism grounded in the principles of the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Furthermore, António Guterres plans to caution the international community against allowing geopolitical differences to hinder collective action in tackling common threats, prominently including climate change. His remarks are anticipated to underscore the imperative for unified global efforts in confronting environmental and other shared challenges.

Earlier in 2017, António Guterres paid a visit to Central Asian countries.

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