UN Reports Surge in Palestinian Casualties by Israeli Forces in 2023

Tue Aug 29 2023
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JERUSALEM: The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA) has released a report revealing a concerning increase in the number of Palestinian casualties caused by Israeli occupation forces in 2023. The report underscores the urgency of addressing ongoing conflicts and human rights violations in the region.

According to the report issued recently, Israeli occupation forces have been responsible for the deaths of 172 Palestinians since the start of 2023. This figure marks a notable rise compared to the 155 Palestinians killed during the entirety of 2022.

The report’s findings further indicate that 2022 witnessed the highest number of fatalities in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, since 2005. The situation remains deeply distressing, as the violence continues to impact the lives of Palestinian civilians, including vulnerable children.

Israeli Forces’ Brutalities Against Palestinians

During the period from August 8 to August 21, Israeli forces injured 559 Palestinians, with 148 of them being children. The injuries were predominantly caused by live ammunition. Since the beginning of the year, a total of 705 Palestinians have sustained injuries from live ammunition, nearly double the corresponding figures from the previous year.

The report also highlighted concerning trends in the form of punitive demolitions, which saw 16 homes and one agricultural structure destroyed as collective punishment since the start of 2023. This compares to 14 structures demolished in all of 2022 and three in 2021. Such punitive actions have been deemed illegal under international law.

Israeli forces’ restrictions on Palestinian movement across various parts of the West Bank have further exacerbated the situation. The disruption of access to livelihoods and essential services has had a profound impact on Palestinian communities.

Education has also been significantly affected, as the report reveals that Israeli occupation authorities have carried out 41 demolition or confiscation actions targeting 22 schools in Area C of the West Bank and East Jerusalem since 2010. These actions are frequently justified by a lack of building permits.

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