UN Rights Expert Condemns India’s Detention of Activist as “Inhumane”

Mon Aug 21 2023
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GENEVA: A United Nations rights expert has strongly criticized India’s prolonged detention of rights activist Gokarakonda Naga “GN” Saibaba, labeling it as “inhumane” and raising grave concerns about his health. Mary Lawlor, the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders, called for Saibaba’s immediate release and highlighted the dire circumstances he is facing due to his disabilities.

Saibaba, a former English professor at Delhi University who is bound to a wheelchair due to a spinal disorder and polio from his childhood, was arrested in 2014. He was subsequently sentenced to life imprisonment in 2017 under India’s Unlawful Activities Prevention Act, though various UN rights experts have raised significant doubts about the legitimacy of his prosecution, Lawlor emphasized.

In her statement, Lawlor expressed her distress over Saibaba’s nearly decade-long detention, branding it an “inhumane and senseless act” that “bears all the hallmarks of a State seeking to silence a critical voice.” She pointed out that except for two short periods on bail, Saibaba has remained incarcerated in Nagpur Central Jail since his initial arrest. His detention conditions, especially considering his disabilities, are a matter of serious concern.

Grave Human Rights Violations in India

Lawlor highlighted the harsh conditions in which Saibaba is held, stating that he occupies a small cell known as the “anda barracks” with a wall made of iron bars and no window. This situation exposes him to extreme weather, particularly during the scorching summer heat. She emphasized that these conditions are incompatible with his status as a wheelchair user.

Lawlor, who has been in contact with the Indian government regarding the case, stressed the obligation of countries to uphold prisoners’ right to health and dignity. She stated, “Prison authorities must ensure that prisoners with disabilities are not discriminated against, including by ensuring accessibility and providing reasonable accommodation.”

The UN expert noted that Saibaba’s health has significantly deteriorated during his detention, underscoring the urgency of his release. She concluded by urging the Indian government to respect human rights and take immediate action to address Saibaba’s plight.

It’s important to note that UN rights experts, including Lawlor, are appointed by the UN Human Rights Council and speak independently, not on behalf of the United Nations.

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