UN Struggles to Distribute Aid in Gaza Amid Security Challenges

Wed Jun 19 2024
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UNITED NATIONS: The United Nations faced significant hurdles in distributing aid to Gaza via the Israel-controlled Kerem Shalom crossing due to rampant lawlessness and panic among starving civilians, despite Israel’s temporary pause in military activities during specific hours.

Israel’s military announced a daily pause in attacks from 0500 to 1600 GMT along the road leading from Israel through Kerem Shalom to Salah Al-Din Road and northern Gaza. While the UN welcomed this initiative, spokesperson Farhan Haq highlighted that it had not yet translated into increased aid deliveries, citing the dangerous conditions prevalent between Kerem Shalom and Salah Al-Din Road.

UN Struggles to Distribute Aid in Gaza Amid Security Challenges 1

Haq stressed that besides ongoing fighting, the absence of law enforcement in the area posed substantial risks to aid transportation. He emphasized the UN’s readiness to engage with all stakeholders to ensure safe and regular delivery of essential supplies to Gaza, underscoring the critical need for consistent aid flows to alleviate starvation and prevent panic among the population.

The UN and humanitarian organizations have long expressed concerns about the logistical challenges and dangers associated with distributing aid across Gaza, where the looming threat of famine has been exacerbated by the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict. Aid for 2.3 million Palestinians largely depends on two main crossings: Rafah from Egypt and Kerem Shalom from Israel.

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Recent military operations by Israel in Rafah led to disruptions in aid deliveries, prompting Egypt to close the Rafah crossing due to security threats. As a result, a backlog of aid and fuel has been redirected through Kerem Shalom, albeit with limited access. In northern Gaza, access through Erez crossing remains restricted due to escalating hostilities, while operations continue at West Erez and Zikim crossings.

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