UN Urges Israel to Grant Access to Ashdod Port for Gaza Aid Delivery

Mon Jan 15 2024
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ROME: Three United Nations agencies—World Food Program (WFP), UNICEF, and the World Health Organization (WHO)—have called on Israel to allow access to the port of Ashdod, situated 40 km north of Gaza. The plea is part of the urgent efforts to deliver humanitarian aid to the besieged population of Gaza, facing an escalating risk of famine.

In a joint statement, the UN agencies emphasize that the use of Ashdod Port is “critically needed” for aid agencies, representing a potential “fundamental step change in the flow of humanitarian aid into Gaza.” They argue that permitting access to this port would facilitate the delivery of significantly larger quantities of aid, directly reaching the badly affected northern regions of Gaza—a challenge that few convoys have managed to overcome.

Israeli Bombardment Plunges Gaza into Humanitarian Catastrophe

The ongoing relentless Israel bombardment, now in its 100th day, has plunged Gaza into a humanitarian catastrophe. The 2.4 million residents are grappling with severe shortages of food, water, fuel, and medical care.

Corinne Fleischer, WFP’s regional director for the Middle East, highlighted the significance of opening the Ashdod port. She explained, “We buy most of our food in Turkey, just bring it to Ashdod port, and then that reduces the lead time.” Fleischer stressed the need for northern border crossings to open regularly, especially to address the deepening food security crisis in the northern regions.

In December, Israel approved the temporary delivery of aid through its southern Kerem Shalom border crossing, responding to weeks of mounting pressure.

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