United Nations’ FAO Delegation Receives Briefing About BISP Initiatives

Mon Jul 10 2023
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ISLAMABAD: A high-level Mission from the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), led by Benjamin Davis, Director of the Inclusive Rural Transformation and Gender Equality Division at FAO HQ Rome, held a meeting with Secretary Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) Amer Ali Ahmed to discuss different initiatives of the programme.

During the meeting, BISP Secretary Amer Ali Ahmed briefed the delegation about the programme and its initiatives.

The meeting is part of the delegation’s five-day trip to Pakistan to identify technical support from FAO on poverty graduation.

Secretary BISP highlighted the crucial role of the Programme in providing cash support to the most vulnerable and marginalized segments of society.

He underscored the importance of the vast dynamic database maintained by programme, which serves as the foundation for effective implementation.

During the meeting, Secretary BISP informed the visiting delegation that the Programme currently provides cash support to more than nine million families.

He underlined that the programme identifies females as the principal beneficiaries of their families. Moreover, he emphasized how BISP is transforming the social landscape of the country.

BISP Centres

Ahmed also shared that there are 488 operational Nashonuma Centers under the Benazir Nashonuma Programme.

He appreciated the suggestion of conducting post-impact analysis on shock-hit areas, as it would provide an additional filter for targeting beneficiaries, further enhancing the effectiveness of the programme.

Secretary BISP underlined the important role played by the programme during the floods of August 2022.

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