Unresolved Kashmir Issue Can Lead India And Pakistan To Holocaust; Dr. Imtiaz Khan

Mon Feb 05 2024
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WASHINGTON: Worldwide, February 5th is recognized as Kashmir Solidarity Day. In front of the Indian Embassy in Washington, D.C., supporters of Kashmir, along with the communities of Pakistani Americans and Kashmiri Americans, staged a peaceful demonstration.

Participants were carrying banners and placards that read: “Modi Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity in Kashmir”, “India: Guilty of Genocide in Kashmir”, “Kashmiris Reject Indian Occupation: UN Resolutions only Solution”, “Kashmir Deserves World Attention” etc.

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Dr. Imtiaz Khan, a Professor at George Washington University Medical Center, emphasized today they are commemorating the sacrifices made by the people of Indian-held Kashmir in their pursuit of independence. Despite enduring decades of atrocities from occupation forces, the flame of freedom persists in their hearts.

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Dr. Khan condemned the acts of barbarism, citing instances like the brutal killing of human rights activist Jalil Andrabi and the gang rape of women in Kunan Pashpora village, stressing that such horrific behavior will not force Kashmiris into submission.

Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai, Chairman of the World Forum for Peace & Justice, highlighted the simplicity of the Kashmir case: a large country bullying a smaller nation, violating their sovereignty, and disregarding international agreements and UN resolutions for self-determination. He criticized India’s refusal to implement these resolutions and its use of oppressive laws to alter Kashmir’s demographics.

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Sardar Zarif Khan, Advisor to the President of Azad Kashmir, warned that the denial of self-determination for over 77 years has deprived Kashmir of peace. He emphasized that the uncertainty over Kashmir not only jeopardizes India and Pakistan but also undermines regional stability.

Various speakers, including Sardar Zubair Khan, Sardar Shoaib Irshad Khan, and Sardar Aftab Roshan Khan, condemned human rights violations perpetrated by Indian forces in Kashmir. They called for global attention to the situation, urging the Biden administration to prioritize Kashmir due to its potential to escalate into a catastrophic conflict.

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Dr. Maqsood Choudhary, an interfaith scholar, appealed to world powers to intervene, citing the positive impact on international security.

Raja Liaqat Kayani, the President of Kashmir House, stressed the urgency of settling the conflict peacefully, while Shafiq Shah called on the global community to uphold the tradition of supporting human freedom and dignity.

Leaders like Zia Ul Hassan and Gul Sher Sai underscored the Kashmiri people’s determination to resist India’s occupation until their right to self-determination is realized. Concerns about the potential for nuclear conflict between India and Pakistan were also expressed.

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Journalist Javaid Kousar highlighted the injustice of the Indian military’s occupation of Kashmir but emphasized the Kashmiri people’s commitment to a new direction of peaceful agitation for self-determination.

Speakers like Yamin Khan, Maqsood Chughtai, Waseem Zahid, Khalid Faheem, and Sardar Zeeshan Zarif Khan raised questions about the world’s double standards in addressing human rights issues, particularly in the context of Kashmir. They urged continued efforts for a lasting and just settlement to the Kashmir dispute.

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