UNSC to Vote on Draft Resolution for Afghanistan

Fri Dec 29 2023
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GENEVA: The United Nations Security Council is scheduled to vote on a draft resolution aimed at addressing the challenges in Afghanistan.

Co-penholders Japan and the United Arab Emirates proposed the draft, emphasizing a comprehensive approach involving political, humanitarian, and development groups. The resolution follows recommendations from an independent assessment required by Resolution 2679 of March 16.

The draft resolution is based on a report led by UN Special Coordinator on Afghanistan Feridun Sinirlioğlu, submitted on November 8. The report proposes an “engagement architecture” for international efforts in Afghanistan, focusing on addressing basic needs, increasing international cooperation on security, creating a political engagement roadmap, and establishing coordination mechanisms.

The proposed mechanisms for overseeing implementation include a “large group format” of member states’ special envoys, a smaller contact group, and the appointment of a dedicated UN Special Envoy for Afghan-international diplomacy.

Negotiations on the draft have been contentious among Council members, with preliminary consultations starting on December 11. While the UK and the US support the initial draft, China and Russia advocate caution and further evaluation, emphasizing the need for Taliban involvement. Some European members, including France and Malta, seek stronger language on Afghan women and Taliban compliance with international obligations.

The draft resolution has undergone adjustments, including changing “urging” to “encouraging” member states to consider the recommendations. However, certain proposals, such as those related to Taliban compliance, were not fully incorporated into the final version. The voting outcome on Friday will determine the Council’s stance on addressing the complex issues in Afghanistan.

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