US Conducts Fresh Airstrikes Against Houthis in Yemen

Sat Jan 20 2024
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WASHINGTON: The United States on Saturday carried out another round of airstrikes against Yemen’s Houthi rebels, targeting an anti-ship missile that was reportedly “prepared to launch,” the US military claimed. The strikes are part of Washington’s efforts to weaken the military capabilities of the Houthis, who have continued their attacks on shipping in the Red Sea.

The operation took place at around 4 am Sanaa time, with US forces launching airstrikes against a Houthi anti-ship missile aimed into the Gulf of Aden. The missile posed a threat to both merchant vessels and US Navy ships in the region, US military claimed. The US military to act in self-defense and successfully destroy the missile, the military claimed.

This marks the fifth round of strikes by the United States on the Houthi rebels in recent weeks. The Houthis had initiated attacks on Red Sea shipping in November, citing support for Palestinians in Gaza and targeting vessels with Israeli and later American and British affiliations.

Houthis Continues Attacks on Israeli-linked Vessels in Red Sea

Despite the airstrikes over the past week, the Houthis have continued their attacks on shipping, emphasizing their commitment to targeting merchant vessels. The US Central Command stated that the latest action aims to enhance the safety and security of international waters for both US Navy and merchant vessels.

The broader context involves Washington’s diplomatic and financial pressure on the Houthis, including their recent re-designation as a “terrorist” entity. This move follows the dropping of that label shortly after President Joe Biden assumed office. The United States is actively working to curb Houthi activities in Yemen, both militarily and through diplomatic means.

Yemen’s situation is unfolding amid a larger crisis in the Middle East, notably the conflict in Gaza, where Israel’s military actions have resulted in the killing of at least 24,927 Palestinians.

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