US: Dolphin Skull Found in Passenger’s Luggage at Detroit Airport

Tue Feb 07 2023
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Monitoring Desk

ISLAMABAD: In a statement, the US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) said that last week a young dolphin’s skull was discovered in a passenger’s luggage at the country’s Detroit airport.

The CBP added that the luggage’s owner had been on an international flight to the United States.

X-ray scans at Detroit Airport helped discover the dolphin skull

The passenger had been separated from the baggage, and it had been scanned through the x-ray machine. The scans showed a shape that looked like a shape.

When the officials from the US Fish and Wildlife Service, and CBP checked the item together, it was identified to be the skeletal part of a dolphin.

Regarding the incident a Twitter user posted this:

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CBP’s Area Port Director, Robert Larkin explained that such items that belong to protected animal species are prohibited to be in the luggage. The smuggling of which is taken seriously and in order to protect habitats and the associated wildlife the department works closely with the US Fish and Wildlife Service to protect wildlife and their habitats.

Presently, the skull is in the possession of the US Fish and Wildlife Service and will be probing the matter further.

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