US Forces Conduct Strikes in Yemen Against Houthi Missiles

Thu Feb 22 2024
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WASHINGTON: The threats posed by Houthi missiles and launch positions in Yemen, American forces initiated “self-defense strikes” on Wednesday.

The US military, through US Central Command (CENTCOM), conducted four strikes targeting seven mobile Houthi anti-ship cruise missiles and one mobile anti-ship ballistic missile launcher. These strikes were deemed necessary to counter imminent threats to commercial shipping and naval forces in the Red Sea.

The Houthis, controlling significant parts of Yemen, have been engaged in disruptive activities along the Red Sea since November. They claim this campaign is in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza during the Israel-Hamas conflict.

CENTCOM’s actions come in response to identified threats originating from Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen, with the military also intercepting a “one-way attack unmanned aircraft system.” This measure was taken to safeguard merchant vessels and US Navy ships operating in the region.

The significance of these strikes is underscored by recent incidents, including the reported downing of a US drone off the coast of Yemen by Houthi rebels. Furthermore, the disruptions caused by Houthi actions in the Red Sea have led to increased insurance premiums for shipping companies, impacting global maritime trade.

As tensions persist in the region, CENTCOM’s intervention aims to ensure the safety and security of vital shipping lanes and maritime interests in the Red Sea area.

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