US House of Representatives to Elect New Speaker on Tuesday

Mon Oct 16 2023
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WASHINGTON: The US House of Representatives will vote on Tuesday in its latest effort to choose a new speaker. The US House paralyzed for the last two weeks amid a leadership confrontation among Republicans, the Western media reported.


US House of Representatives

Patrick McHenry, was named following the removal on October 3 of Kevin McCarthy, his substitute has few powers.

Kevin McCarthy fell victim to shrill divisions between Republican far-right backers of ex-president Donald Trump and moderates, AFP reported.

Following a tense week marked by several setbacks, Ohio legislator Jim Jordan is presently the only announced candidate for the office — but he appears far from having the needed support to be elected to the office of the speaker. The election is set for 1600 GMT on Tuesday, its result far from certain.

“It is time to get to work,” Jim Jordan said on X, as he asked his colleagues to bury their differences and support his candidacy.

The Democratic Party of Biden is in a minority in the US House of Representatives — though only hardly so — and basically plays a viewer’s role to the Republican drama.

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