US Pledges Non-interference in Pakistan, Calls for Transparent Election Inquiry: Matthew Miller

Wed Feb 21 2024
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ISLAMABAD:  The United States reaffirmed its policy of non-interference in Pakistan’s internal affairs on Tuesday, while simultaneously stressing the need for a transparent investigation into allegations of election rigging and fraud.

During a Press briefing, US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller emphasized Washington’s respect for Pakistan’s sovereignty. “We want to see a transparent investigation of rigging and fraud according to Pakistani law,” Miller stated, highlighting the importance of adhering to established legal procedures.

Despite maintaining a hands-off approach, Miller expressed the US’s openness to collaborating with the newly formed Pakistani government. “Hopefully, the process of forming a government in Pakistan is underway,” he said, indicating a willingness to partner with the emerging leadership.

Miller went on to commend the Pakistani people for their active participation in the elections, particularly praising the high turnout among youth and women. “Millions of Pakistanis had heard their voice by using the power of vote,” he acknowledged, recognizing the significance of public engagement in the democratic process.

Furthermore, Miller highlighted the US’s ongoing commitment to strengthening its partnership with Pakistan. “We are waiting to extend the partnership with Pakistan through trade and investment,” he declared, outlining potential areas of economic cooperation. Additionally, he reiterated the US’s pledge to continue providing aid that bolsters Pakistan’s democratic institutions, underscoring its long-term support for the country’s democratic development.

By emphasizing both non-interference and the significance of a transparent investigation, the US struck a delicate balance in its response to Pakistan’s current political climate. While respecting Pakistan’s internal affairs, the US simultaneously conveyed its expectation for upholding democratic principles and addressing concerns about electoral irregularities. The call for collaboration with the new government further indicates the US’s desire to maintain a positive and productive relationship with Pakistan moving forward.

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