US Praises Envoy Masood Khan for Strengthening US-Pakistan Ties

Sat Jun 29 2024
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WASHINGTON: US Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Elizabeth Horst praised Pakistan’s ambassador to the US, Masood Khan, for his efforts in strengthening the “bridges between Islamabad and Washington.”

Speaking at a farewell dinner organized to honor Khan’s service, Horst emphasized that the US-Pakistan relationship is currently at its strongest point in years, largely due to Ambassador Masood Khan’s diplomatic efforts.

“While acknowledging occasional challenges in our longstanding partnership, Ambassador Khan has played a crucial role in navigating these issues and establishing frameworks for constructive dialogue,” Horst stated.

Masood Khan, who began his tenure as Pakistan’s highest representative in the United States in February 2022, is set to conclude his term next Monday after two years. His deputy will assume his duties in Washington.

Khan was appointed by then-Prime Minister Imran Khan in November 2021. Ambassador Rizwan Saeed Sheikh, currently serving as Additional Foreign Secretary (Middle East and SIFC), has been named as the new envoy to the US.

The State Department official praised Khan for fostering stability and deepening the bilateral relationship between Pakistan and the United States, noting significant progress achieved during his tenure.

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