US Reports Surge in Pakistani Female Officers Joining Combat Courses

Sun Jun 23 2024
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WASHINGTON: The number of Pakistani female military officers receiving training in the United States has increased by 150 per cent in the past decade, said a report released by the US State Department’s Bureau of Political-Military Affairs.

The report, released on Friday, stated that for the past two years, Pakistan has topped the region by sending the highest number of female officers to the US for training.

From 2020 to 2023, 55 Pakistani women attended International Military Education and Training (IMET) courses, more than double as compared to 22 who attended the courses between 2013 and 2019.

According to the report these individuals proved to be the first drops of rain in Pakistan, jumping head-first into education courses and military training to enhance their professional development while laying the groundwork for more women to follow.

The training course is sponsored by the US State Department to “build military-to-military relationships” by financing foreign officers to attend the US military training and education courses.

The military ties between Pakistan and the United States have been present since the two established diplomatic relations in 1947. The bilateral defense ties reflect shared interests in security and stability in South Asia, Central Asia as well as other regions.

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