US Resolution on Pakistan Elections Unsolicited Interference in Internal Affairs: FO

Fri Jun 28 2024
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ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Friday strongly criticized the US’s House of Representatives Resolution, calling for an investigation into rigging allegations in the parliamentary elections, and said that is an unsolicited interference in its internal affairs, which is neither welcomed nor acceptable.

During her regular media briefing in Islamabad today, Foreign Office Spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch said that the resolution 901 reflects a flawed understanding of Pakistan’s political and electoral processes.

She reiterated that such actions constitute unjustified meddling in Pakistan’s domestic matters. Baloch stressed that bilateral relations should be built on mutual respect and equality among sovereign nations.

The spokesperson highlighted that the timing and context of the resolution are unfavorable, given the current positive trajectory of Pakistan-US bilateral relations. She underscored Pakistan’s desire to nurture relations based on mutual trust and respect, without interference in each other’s internal affairs.

Baloch expressed concerns over the ongoing curtailment of democratic rights of the Kashmiri people in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, condemning what she described as oppressive measures by Indian authorities that violate fundamental freedoms and human rights, including the rights to assembly and association.

Regarding diplomatic appointments, Baloch announced that Ambassador Rizwan Saeed Sheikh has been appointed as Pakistan’s Ambassador to Washington, while Asim Iftikhar, currently serving as Pakistan’s Envoy in France, will take on the role of Additional Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York.

In response to queries, Baloch confirmed Pakistan’s participation in the Doha-III meeting on Afghanistan, with Special Representative on Afghanistan Ambassador Asif Durrani and Ambassador to Afghanistan Obaidur Rehman Nizamani representing Pakistan.

Addressing regional security, Baloch reiterated Pakistan’s stance on respecting Afghanistan’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, while urging effective action against terrorist elements responsible for attacks inside Pakistan. She called on Afghanistan to eliminate terrorist sanctuaries that threaten regional stability, emphasizing the importance of fulfilling international commitments made by Afghanistan.

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