US, S. Korea Kick Off Joint Air Drills

Mon Oct 30 2023
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SEOUL: The United States (US) and South Korea initiated extensive aerial exercises on Monday, deploying a total of 130 warplanes from both nations to simulate 24-hour wartime operations.

Dubbed “Vigilant Defence,” these annual exercises are scheduled to continue through Friday and will showcase various versions of the F-35 stealth fighter, hailing from both the United States and South Korea, in addition to other aircraft, according to South Korea’s Air Force.

The primary objective of these drills is to enhance the interoperability between the two armed forces by executing critical air missions, including air-to-surface live fire exercises, defensive counter-air operations, and various emergency training scenarios.

South Korea’s military conveyed its commitment to maintaining peak combat readiness, ensuring a swift and robust response to any provocations from potential adversaries. They emphasized the importance of these exercises in replicating real-world situations.

These exercises unfold against the backdrop of North Korea’s escalating military cooperation with Russia, a development that has been met with condemnation by the United States and its Asian allies, who perceive it as North Korea’s bid to bolster its military capabilities in exchange for support from Moscow.

It’s worth noting that North Korea has consistently criticized joint exercises conducted by the United States and South Korea, viewing them as rehearsals for invasion and as evidence of hostile policies pursued by Washington and Seoul.


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