US, South Korea, Japan Near Agreement to Combat North Korean Nuclear Threat

Mon Jun 17 2024
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WASHINGTON: The United States, South Korea, and Japan are near to finalizing a trilateral agreement aimed at enhancing security cooperation to address the nuclear threat posed by North Korea. This development was announced by South Korean Defense Minister Shin Won-sik, Azernews reported.

Minister Shin emphasized his intention to meet with his US and Japanese counterparts at the earliest opportunity to advance the agreement. The primary objective is to establish a robust system for a more effective, prompt, and coordinated response to North Korea’s alleged nuclear and missile threats, targeting South Korea, the US, and Japan.

“The priority will be establishing a system for a more effective, prompt, and coordinated response to North Korea’s alleged nuclear and missile threats to South Korea, the US, and Japan,” Shin said.

The proposed agreement is anticipated to be concluded before the inauguration of the next US president in January 2025. This timeline underscores the urgency and importance of the trilateral pact in addressing the growing nuclear threat from North Korea.

The collaboration among the three nations marks a significant step in regional security dynamics, reflecting heightened concerns over North Korea’s advancing nuclear capabilities. The agreement is expected to strengthen military and strategic ties between the US, South Korea, and Japan, fostering a united front against potential threats from Pyongyang.

This trilateral pact follows a series of diplomatic engagements and military exercises among the three countries, aimed at deterring North Korean aggression and ensuring stability in the region.


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