US Unveils B-21 Bomber Aircraft

Sat Dec 03 2022
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B-21 is high-tech US bomber aircraft that will replace B1 and B2

WASHINGTON: The United States is all set to unveil the B-21 bomber aircraft on Friday, a high-tech stealth fighter that can carry nuclear weapons and missiles and is designed to fly without a crew.

The B-21, which is expected to cost nearly $700 million per plane and is America’s first new bomber in decades, will gradually replace the B -1 and B-2, which were first flown during the Cold War.

“The high-tech B-21 is of great significance for our future bomber force. It will have the range, capability, and payload to go into the most dangerous environments and engage any target in the world.” risk,” US Air Force spokeswoman Ann Stefanek said, told AFP.

The first flight of the B-21 is expected to take place next year, and the Air Force plans to purchase at least 100 aircraft, Stefanek said. Manufacturer Northrop Grumman said that six of the aircraft are currently in various stages of assembly and testing at its plant in Palmdale, Calif.

Read Also: US to Unveil High-tech B-21 Stealth Bomber

where the unveiling will take place. The bomber will be the main part of the “nuclear triad” America, which has weapons that are capable of being launched from land, air, and sea.

B-21, bomber aircraft, US, American, B1, B2
World Echo: US Unveils B-21 Bomber Aircraft

“For the nuclear deterrent, the bombers provide flexibility for the US nuclear situation and a standstill if one of the other legs fails,” Brookings Institution thought tank fellow Amy Nelson said. Many details of the aircraft are being kept under wraps, but it is expected that the aircraft will provide a significant improvement over the existing bombers in the US fleet.

Among the new capabilities provided by the B-21 is the capability of unmanned aircraft. Stefanek said the flight was being planned for this opportunity, but there was no decision to fly unmanned.

The plane also has an “open architecture”, intended to allow for rapid upgrades and upgrades. Nelson said the B-21 was “designed to come out”.
“The ‘open cabin’ allows for the integration of future software updates (including for limits) so that the aircraft does not become obsolete quickly,” he said. “The B-21 bomber aircraft is more sophisticated than its predecessors – certainly this time.

Not only is it dual-powered (unlike the B-2), which means it can launch nuclear or ballistic missiles war, but it can launch long-range and short-range missiles,” added Nelson. Like the F-22 and F-35, the B-21 bomber aircraft will feature stealth technology, which reduces the aircraft’s signature in its shape and materials, making it difficult for the enemy can detect.

This technology has been around for decades, but Northrop said the aircraft will feature “next-generation stealth” and use “new manufacturing processes and components” not announced on the B-21. The “Raider” part of the plane’s name honors the 1942 American bomber attack on Tokyo by Lt. Col.

James Doolittle led – the first American strike on the homeland of Japan after the sudden war on Pearl Harbor last year.

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