VC SBK Women’s University Warns of Contempt Proceedings

Tue May 21 2024
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QUETTA: The Vice-Chancellor of Sardar Bahadur Khan (SBK) Women’s University has been warned of contempt proceedings if she failed to implement Supreme Court orders regarding new appointments in Balochistan educational institution.

Former President of the Supreme Court Bar Association, Amanullah Kanrani representing petitioners sent a legal notice to Vice Chancellor Professor Dr. Sajida Noreen asking her to comply with the decision of the Supreme Court within three days.

The notice said hiding and delaying the results of 175000 candidates for 9000 posts in the Education Department raises suspicions and credibility of the process of selection.

The notice warned the Vice Chancellor to implement the Supreme Court order in the case in its true letter and spirit, otherwise contempt proceedings could be initiated against her.

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Earlier Chief Minister of Balochistan Mir Sarfraz Bugti has reaffirmed to revoke all the ‘illegal appointments’ in the Provincial Education Department after a thorough probe and investigations.

“I will not allow anyone to sale jobs in Balochistan and deprive a child who fulfills merit and criteria,” Chief Minister Bugti said.

He added that in light of the Supreme Court’s order, such appointments should be revoked any time. The chief minister said that he had ordered the chief secretary to hold an inquiry into the matter and ‘after consultations with the Education Minister, the final decision will be made’.

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