Violent Clashes at Eritrean Festival in Germany Leave 22 Police Officers Injured

Sat Jul 08 2023
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BERLIN: Violent clashes erupted at a controversial Eritrean music festival in the town of Giessen, Germany, leading to injuries and unrest. German police deployed tear gas and water cannons to quell the violence, as 22 police officers were reported injured during the clashes.

According to regional police, the officers sustained injuries mainly from incidents of stone-throwing. In response to the escalating situation, approximately a thousand police officers were deployed in Giessen, a town with a population of 80,000, located north of Frankfurt. Last year’s edition of the festival also experienced violent incidents, prompting increased security measures.

The festival, expected to attract between 2,000 and 3,000 attendees, was scheduled to run until Sunday. However, no details about arrests were provided by the police.

Germany Faces International Sanctions for Involvement in Conflicts

The organizers of the event have faced accusations of having close ties to the authorities in Eritrea, a small and reclusive one-party state. Eritrea has gained a reputation as a global pariah due to its human rights abuses, including enforced disappearances and the conscription of civilians into lifelong national service, which has been likened to slavery.

The country has faced international sanctions for its involvement in regional conflicts, including its army’s alleged abuses during the Tigray war in Ethiopia. Eritrea achieved independence from Ethiopia in May 1991 and formally declared independence on May 24, 1993. The nation is governed by Issaias Afeworki, known for his authoritarian rule.

The clashes at the Eritrean festival in Germany highlight the tensions and controversies associated with the event and the involvement of the organizers with the Eritrean authorities. The incidents have underscored the ongoing concerns regarding human rights issues and Eritrea’s international standing.

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