Violent Clashes Erupt in Germany as Far-Left Protesters Clash with Police

Sat Jun 03 2023
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FRANKFURT: A confrontation between far-left protesters and police turned violent on Friday evening in Leipzig, eastern Germany, resulting in several injuries. Despite a ban, further demonstrations are expected in the city.

Protesters erected roadblocks, ignited fires, and launched projectiles at security forces from rooftops and streets in response to prison sentences handed down to four far-left activists, according to the police.

Several Police Officers Injured in Germany

Multiple police officers and a reporter were injured during the clashes, and three individuals were arrested. Leipzig police announced on Saturday via Twitter that they had initiated investigations into public disorder, dangerous injuries, assaults on police officers, property damage, and the illegal use of explosives.

Despite local authorities imposing a ban, far-left activists have called for a national day of action in Leipzig on Saturday. The recent unrest follows a court ruling in Dresden, Saxony, where a student from Leipzig and three other far-left militants were sentenced to several years in prison.

Lina F. and her co-defendants were found guilty of perpetrating violent attacks against neo-Nazis and alleged far-right supporters between 2018 and 2020.

German media reports that since Lina F. was remanded in custody in 2020, the slogan “Free Lina” has frequently appeared at left-wing protests.

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