Washington Event Highlights Pakistan’s Culture

Sat Mar 09 2024
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ISLAMABAD: The Pakistani embassy in the Unites States hosted an event to highlight the country’s rich cultural heritage, featuring traditional attire, cuisine, artwork, and more. The gathering attracted a diverse array of diplomats from various countries and officials representing international organizations.

Addressing the attendees, Pakistan’s Ambassador Masood Khan, emphasized the collective responsibility for peace, security, and prosperity. The event was organized in collaboration with ‘THIS for Diplomats’, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting international understanding and friendship through cultural exchanges in Washington, D.C.

Expressing gratitude for the partnership with THIS for Diplomats, Ambassador Masood Khan commended the participants for embracing Pakistan’s culture. He praised the organization’s role in fostering connections and creating a global diplomatic family.

Pakistani embassy, Unites States, cultural heritage, Washington, Pakistan, Pakistan’s Culture, international organizations

Addressing the audience, Ambassador Masood Khan highlighted Pakistan’s tourism potential, inviting guests to explore the country’s diverse attractions, from ancient civilizations to natural wonders. He encouraged visitors to experience the warmth and hospitality of the Pakistani people firsthand.

Peggy Letter, President of THIS for Diplomats, thanked Ambassador Masood Khan for the embassy’s invitation, expressing appreciation for the opportunity to engage with Pakistani culture and forge stronger diplomatic ties. 

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