What Happened in Afghanistan a ‘Failure of US’: China

Thu Aug 17 2023
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KABUL: On the commemoration of the two-year anniversary of the Islamic Emirate’s rule in Afghanistan, a spokesperson for China’s foreign ministry has labelled the fall of Kabul as a grave “failure” of both military and political strategies by the United States.

Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin addressed the press on August 15th, asserting that Afghanistan had experienced a period of relative stability under the Emirate’s governance and that the nation’s destiny now rested firmly within the hands of its populace.

Wang Wenbin emphasized that the events in Afghanistan underscored the unsuccessful blend of military intervention, political manipulation, and external attempts at “democratic transformation.” He pointed out that these endeavours, rather than fostering positive change, had led to chaos and devastation. This viewpoint resonates with the global sentiment that interventions from outside powers often sow more discord than they heal.

The spokesperson further underlined the international community’s expectations for the Islamic Emirate to fulfil its pledges in forming an all-encompassing government structure, safeguard the rights of women and ethnic minorities, and curb terrorist activities within Afghanistan’s borders. Despite these expectations, the Emirate has yet to fully comply with international appeals regarding women’s rights.

The Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, expressed deep concern over the plight of Afghan women and girls due to the severe constraints imposed on their rights since the Taliban’s resurgence. He stressed that the international community must not overlook the struggles faced by the Afghan people. In response, the Islamic Emirate spokesperson maintained that the rights of women had been safeguarded within the framework of Islamic law and that they would continue to be respected.

The Islamic Emirate has completed two years in power, but the international community’s recognition remains withheld due to perceived infringements on human rights and the absence of an inclusive government structure. Nonetheless, the Emirate remains steadfast in its assertion that women’s rights, in accordance with Islamic principles, are being upheld, and the establishment of an inclusive government is an internal matter for Afghanistan.

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