WHO Recommends Halt to Use of Indian Cough Syrups in Uzbekistan

Thu Jan 12 2023
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Monitoring Desk

ISLAMABAD: Following the death of at least 19 children in Uzbekistan two weeks ago after consuming cough syrups manufactured by India-based Marion Biotech, the World Health Organization (WHO) on Wednesday recommended not to administer Ambronol and Doc-1 Max to children in the central Asian country.

No assurance offered to WHO

Marion Biotech has so far failed to offer the WHO any assurances regarding the reliability and safety of the syrups, recommended for treating cold and flu. 

According to the Uzbekistan’s health ministry, the syrups were hazardous, containing ethylene glycol. 

It said that the amount of syrup above the recommended dose for children was administered to the kids without a prescription, either by their parents or on the advice of some pharmacists.

Indian-based Marion Biotech Pvt Ltd, the manufacturer of both of syrups, led to the deaths of 19 children in the country. According to WHO, Marion has not yet given assurances regarding the security and quality of these products.

Before being sent to the hospital, it was discovered that the kids had been taking this syrup at home for two to seven days in amounts of 2.5 to 5 ml three to four times per day, exceeding the recommended dosage, according to the health ministry. The Doc-1 Max syrup was used as a cold cure.

According to the earlier statement issued by the Uzbek ministry statement, Doc-1 Max tablets and syrups had been removed from all pharmacies across the country following the deaths of 19 children. 

It had said that seven staff had also been fired for failing to act quickly and examine the situation and take appropriate action.

Earlier, Marion Biotech said that samples of the cough syrup had been collected from its manufacturing unit and were now waiting for the test report.

“The government is conducting an inquiry. We will take action as per their report; for now, the manufacturing has stopped,” Hasan Raza, Marion Biotech Pharma Company legal head, said earlier.

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