WHO Urges Immediate Access in Sudan to Prevent ‘Disastrous’ Health Crisis

Tue Jul 16 2024
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GENEVA: The World Health Organization (WHO) on Tuesday for urged for immediate access to Sudan, warning of an unfolding humanitarian catastrophe that requires urgent containment measures.

Shible Sahbani, WHO’s representative to Sudan, emphasized the critical need for swift action during a UN briefing in Geneva via video link. “Access is crucially and immediately needed so that we can avert the disastrous health situation,” Sahbani stressed.

Describing the situation as a looming catastrophe, Sahbani underscored the urgent need for a ceasefire and rapid humanitarian intervention. He warned that without immediate action, Sudan faces the unchecked spread of diseases, severe malnutrition, and widespread trauma, which could have long-term, transgenerational impacts on the population.

“I was in Chad last week as part of a high-level WHO mission, and what I saw there mirrored the dire conditions among displaced people in Sudan – it was disturbing; heartbreaking even,” Sahbani recounted. He highlighted the pervasive suffering among women and children, who spoke of hunger, illness, violence, and profound loss.

The representative highlighted that nearly 13 million people in Sudan are displaced, with over 10 million internally displaced and more than 2 million seeking refuge in neighboring countries. Regions such as Darfur, Kordofan, Khartoum, and Al Gezira are particularly affected, cut off from essential humanitarian and health assistance due to ongoing conflict.

“In places like El Fasher, over 800,000 people are besieged, deprived of access to food, healthcare, and medical supplies,” Sahbani lamented. He emphasized the critical need for immediate medical care for the wounded, as well as nutritional support for vulnerable groups such as children and pregnant or breastfeeding women suffering from acute hunger.

Sahbani also highlighted a significant funding gap, noting that the Humanitarian Response Plan for Sudan is only 26% funded, while the health response plan stands at just 36% funded. “Urgent action is needed to bridge this gap,” he urged.

The conflict in Sudan erupted in April 2023 following disagreements within the military leadership, resulting in widespread violence that has claimed nearly 16,000 lives, displaced millions, and exacerbated an already devastating humanitarian crisis, according to UN estimates.


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