WKAF and KDC Condemn Indian Govt’s Terrorism Against Sikh Community

Sun Sep 24 2023
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WASHINGTON: The World Kashmir Awareness Forum (WKAF) and the Kashmir Diaspora Coalition (KDC) have jointly issued a statement expressing their solidarity with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the family of Hardeep Singh Najjar, a Canadian citizen and Sikh community leader who was allegedly murdered by Indian foreign intelligence operatives on June 18, 2023.

The statement strongly condemned this heinous crime by Indian intelligence operatives and expressed deep concern about the implications it holds. WKAF and KDC Board members unanimously declared their support for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the Canadian people, and the Canadian Sikh community in condemning this extrajudicial killing. They view it as a clear violation of international law and an act of state-sponsored terrorism by the Government of India.

Suppression of Sikh Community by Indian Govt

The joint statement highlights the systematic suppression of opposition by the Indian government, both domestically and internationally, since the BJP-led government under Narendra Modi came into power. It also draws attention to the grave human rights violations taking place in the disputed region of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), including unlawful detentions and killings of those who resist the oppressive regime.

WKAF and KDC call upon the international community to strongly condemn the actions of the Indian government and its disregard for international law, especially in its pursuit of defenseless asylum seekers, refugees, political activists, academics, international students, human rights defenders, and journalists. They urge human rights groups in the US, UK, Canada, the EU, and other law-abiding countries to confront and sanction the Indian regime for its blatant violations.

WKAF is a Washington, DC-based not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing information on the Kashmir conflict and advocating for the rights of Kashmiris in the region and worldwide.

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