Women International Film Festival on March 11

Thu Mar 09 2023
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ISLAMABAD: The two-day Women International Film Festival (WIFF) will begin on March 11 at Pakistan National Council of the Arts with a series of films by women from Pakistan and across the world.

The festival is supported by the Embassies of France and Germany in Islamabad, Pakistan. The two-day festival includes screening of several films. ‘The great Méliès’ by Beatrice Campagna (Italy) focused on the complex nexus between a father, a world’s famous illusionist, and his young musician daughter is resolved after several years in the very place that has most deeply united and divided both.

‘Three wishes. One truth’ by Cecilia Petrujno from Argentina, based on Autumn 1984. Valeria is ten years old girl who lives in distress out of her father’s violence. Speaking about it is forbidden. On her birthday celebration, she finds a magical object that can help her to lessen her sorrow. Now Valeria has a plan.

Women of my family by Alissa Sophie Larkamp from Germany is a film as a personal stream of memories, the biographical fragments of a great-grandmother, grandmother and mother are marked by simple circumstances.

Silk’s balance by Elise Lorthiois from France tells about life of five women in their adventure, high lining in the middle of the mountains. Betty’s burning by Camille Vigny (Belgium) shows how to end a toxic and violent relationship.

‘Awaaz’ by Halimah Tariq from Pakistan follows the story of Shakila Farooq, the first woman from Mardan (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) to take a stand for educating hearing and speech impaired girls, Shakila fights to change the mindset and norms of a patriarchal society with her reseliance.

‘Baira Gharakh’ by Mehreen Jabbar from Pakistan highlights that nothing goes as planned when a wife, her husband, and his friend end up in the same house at the same time.

Festival featuring other films include…

Other films include, ‘The most boring granny in the whole world’ by Damaris Zielke from Germany, 48 hours by Azadeh Moussavi from Iran, Inadequate by Beyza Yildir from Turkey, Hot rod by Juliette Gilot from France, The woman under the tree by Karishma Kohli from United States, Nobody by Mingyuan Li from United States, Late winter by Jasna Safic from Croatia, My mother’s daughter by Ahmen Khawaja, Mariam Khan from Pakistan, Misophonia by Melodi Tözüm from Turkey, Saturated by Elisabetta Laurence from United Kingdom, Toutes les nuits by Latifa Saïd from France and File by Sonia K. Hadad  From Iran. — APP

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