World Health Day: Simple lifestyle Changes to Improve Health

Sun Apr 07 2024
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ISLAMABAD:  The world including Pakistan observes World Health Day to remember the establishment of the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1948, local media reported on Sunday.

It is an opportunity to highlight international health concerns and various health challenges that impact people across the world.

1: Stay Hydrated

Keeping proper hydration levels promotes healthy skin, helps with digestion, controls temperature, and facilitates the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to cells. Therefore, it is necessary to carrying a water bottle to act on this advice.

2: Eat balanced Meals

A balanced diet that includes vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean meats, and healthy fats gives you the minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients that your body requires to perform at its best.

3: Regular Exercise

Regular exercise is essential for health as it improves mood, strengthens bones, muscles, lowers stress, and helps you maintain a healthy weight.

4: Prioritize Sleep

Good seep is crucial for health and well-being. Set up a calming evening routine and also strive for 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night.

5: Manage stress

Prolonged stress increases the risk of heart disease, depression, obesity, and other illnesses by having a detrimental effect on one’s physical as well as emotional well-being. Stress may be efficiently managed by engaging in activities like exercises and outdoor time.

6: Quit smoking

Smoking raises the chance of several diseases like lung cancer, respiratory issues and heart disease among other health concerns. Giving up this bad habit can lower your chance of developing certain diseases and improve your health.

7: Practice Good Hygiene

This practice is also essential to live a healthy life.

8: Maintain social connections

You should also maintain social connection for a good and healthy life.

9: Schedule Regular Health Check-ups

Experts suggest to consult your doctor on regular basis and you should make a regular schedule for this purpose.

10: Spend time with Friends and Family

One of the best ways to stay happy is to spend time with your loved ones like family and friends.

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