World Tourism Day Celebrated with Emphasis on Green Investments in Pakistan’s Tourist Destinations

Wed Sep 27 2023
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Naveed Meraj/Shahid Qureshi

ISLAMABAD: As part of the global celebration of World Tourism Day, a seminar was conducted to highlight the importance of prioritizing green investments in Pakistan’s tourist destinations. Organized by Devcom-Pakistan, ICLC, and the National Skills University (NSU), the seminar emphasized the need for environmentally sustainable practices and infrastructure to ensure long-term eco-tourism in the country.

The seminary, themed “Tourism and Green Investments,” featured prominent speakers who urged authorities and tourism management companies to champion green initiatives such as utilizing non-timber fuel, adopting alternate energy sources, implementing water conservation measures, managing solid waste efficiently, and promoting eco-friendly practices.

The Chief Guest of the seminar was Mr. Aftab ur Rehman Rana, the Managing Director of the Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation (PTDC). Guest speakers included Vice Chancellor of NSU, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Mukhtar, President of the Rural Development Foundation (RDF), Brig. Retd Muhammad Khan, Executive Director of Devcom-Pakistan, Munir Ahmed, Secretary of ICLC, Sibtain Raza, CEO of Apex, Adnan Saeed, Sumera Raza, and Rana Tariq Javed.

Potential of Pakistan’s Tourism and Hospitality Industry

Mr. Aftab ur Rehman Rana stated that Pakistan’s tourism and hospitality industry contributes 3.5 percent to the country’s GDP, with a significant portion coming from domestic tourism. However, he expressed concern that green practices are not yet widely adopted within the industry. He mentioned that the federal government is collaborating with provincial authorities to promote sustainable ecotourism models and stressed the need for increased awareness campaigns and stakeholder engagement to curb detrimental interventions.

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Mukhtar encouraged the youth to explore Pakistan’s diverse culture and landscapes, emphasizing the educational value of outdoor travel in understanding the country’s cultural and heritage assets.

Munir Ahmed, the Executive Director of Devcom-Pakistan, called for measures to protect the environment from unfriendly structures, timber mafias, littering, and unmanaged solid waste. He highlighted the importance of local communities, urging them to form associations to advocate against the exploitation of their homelands. He noted that Pakistan has significant potential to expand its hospitality and tourism industry, potentially contributing 50-70 percent to GDP, but underscored the importance of green investments and nature conservation.

Brig. Retd Muhammad Aslam endorsed the concept of community-based tourism in locally managed houses, providing visitors with insight into the lives, culture, and challenges faced by the local population. This approach would contribute to local livelihoods without compromising natural resources.

World Tourism Day emphasizes the need for targeted investments for the benefit of people, the planet, and prosperity, emphasizing innovation and entrepreneurship as essential pillars of sustainable tourism. UNWTO has identified investments as a top priority for the sector, calling upon governments, financial institutions, development partners, and private sector investors to unite around a new tourism investment strategy.

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