Year in Review: Pakistan Senate’s Annual Report Highlights Achievements

Mon Mar 11 2024
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ISLAMABAD: The Senate of Pakistan has published its Comprehensive Annual Report for the Parliamentary Year 2023-24, highlighting a year of notable achievements and unwavering dedication to the country.

The report applauds the Senate’s relentless efforts and exceptional work, particularly praising the outstanding performance of its Standing Committees. The dedication of committee members has been instrumental in advancing the legislative agenda and addressing critical national issues.

Throughout the year, the Senate convened for a total of 152 hours and 58 minutes, averaging 2 hours and 35 minutes per session. Notably, the Senate successfully passed 14 Government bills and 29 private members’ bills out of a total of 99 presented. Additionally, it addressed 65 points of public importance, showcasing responsiveness to public concerns.

Moreover, the report underscores the Senate’s active involvement in public petitions, resolving 45 petitions and referring 145 petitions to Senate Committees for further review. It also examines the performance reports of various Senate Secretariat departments, identifying areas for improvement and ongoing efforts to enhance efficiency.

During the Parliamentary year, the Senate received a total of 710 public petitions, with 145 petitions referred to Committees for review and resolution. Embracing modern technology, the Senate introduced virtual meetings to boost efficiency and transparency.

Initiatives such as introducing a live ticker during Senate sessions, upgrading broadcasting and post-production facilities, and 4k webcasting of the Senate YouTube Channel demonstrate the Senate’s commitment to digital transformation.

Furthermore, the Senate takes pride in its active engagement with international delegations and the initiation of Parliamentary Diplomacy initiatives, aimed at fostering diplomatic relations and promoting global collaboration on key issues.


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