Youm-e-Istehsal: Kaira Leads Kashmir Rally

Sat Aug 05 2023
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ISLAMABAD: Adviser to the prime minister on Kashmir Affairs, Qamar Zaman Kaira has said that August 5 is the darkest day in the history of Kashmir.

Addressing a rally organised at D Chowk Islamabad, he said the Kashmiris have braved Indian atrocities and tyrannical rule for over seven decades and have made sacrifices that are over a hundred thousand lives.


This a black day Youm-e-Istehsal rally taken from Foreign Office on Constitution Avenue was attended by many Kashmiris besides politicians who addressed the gathering in showing solidarity with the oppressed community.

Flags and banners were carried by the participants chanting slogans against the Modi-led Indian government which changed the autonomous status of Kashmir.

Defence Minister Khawaja Asif addressing the rally stated that Pakistan’s commitment with Kashmir will never end and they will stand hand in hand with their brethren through thick and thin.

Adviser on Kashmir Affairs Qamar Zaman Kaira remarked Kashmiri people have braved Indian tyrannical rule for decades and added, “We must work together for peaceful solution to the conflict that has been on United Nations agenda for decades”.Kashmir

“Every Pakistani stands with Kashmiris,” said the adviser adding, “India has done all in its powers to subdue the indefatigable spirit of Kashmiris but has been thwarted on all accounts as the indomitable and resolute Kashmiris refused to bow down to its hegemonic designs.”

“The world is watching what is happening in Kashmir and India should take heed as this cannot go on for long. It has to have an end, and may it be soon.”


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