Eggs off The Menu as Japan Battles Bird Flu Crisis

Thu Apr 13 2023
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TOKYO: Some people have to swap in Japan as the country battles its worst avian influenza outbreak on record.

It has resulted in the culling of millions of hens, a shortage of eggs, and an increase in the cost of dishes containing eggs. Eggs are, in essence, turning into a luxury. This is a significant issue when they are essential to Japanese cuisine, including egg rolls, omurice, and soft-boiled yolks on ramen.

Avian influenza is known as bird flu. It is a contagious illness that affects domestic poultry and wild birds. It has been around for a century. Scientists claim the current global outbreak is the worst ever, possibly due to virus mutations.

Japan has been particularly heavily struck. A record 17 million chickens, or nearly 9% of egg-laying hens, had to be killed. According to data from one local egg vendor, wholesale egg costs have increased by more than 70% in the last year.

According to JA: Z-Tamago, a National Federation of Agricultural Cooperative Associations division, a kilo of medium-sized eggs presently costs roughly 350 yen (£2.11; $2.62). The price shock is less steep for the consumer, but the impact flows through what’s being struck off menus.

McDonald’s Japan had to inform customers last month that it might have to halt sales of its famous Teritama burgers during busy times. According to spokesman Jonathan Kushner, McDonald’s was “watching the situation carefully” even though it has been able to diversify its egg suppliers without impacting its regular egg offers.

According to food security experts, price pressures are expected to last for a while. According to executive research fellow at the Norinchukin Research Institute Katsuhiko Kitahara, production isn’t anticipated to fully recover as the avian flu pandemic shows no indications of slowing down. He said that “some farms are expected to go out of business due to the high feed prices,” he told the BBC.

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