Excess of Everything is Bad: Extreme Tattoos Costs Woman Ban from TikTok

Mon May 15 2023
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LONDON: Excess of everything is bad- an old proverb that guides the human being to lead a life with balance and anything in life, if it is money, relationship, ego, or even emotion, can cause many problems in life. The same happened to women Missy Sloan who claimed to be banned from Tik Tok (a short-form video hosting service) for being heavily tattooed. She was banned as other visitors on the application continuously reported her accounts over her extreme and heavy facial tattoos.

The tik toker said that “haters” have forced her off of the video-sharing platform on many times occasions and added that she just wanted to promote her online business without having to deal with cruel comments on her posts. However, she added that she avoids responding to these comments, but still, she was banned from TikTok.

Missy Sloan said that her haters kept coming at her telling her that she would not get a job and all this, but still, she avoided replying and kept focused on her business just like others do.

Missy told a daily newspaper in the UK, the Daily Star, that the problems with her TikTok accounts were first initiated when she tried to get assistance dealing with the huge number of negative comments that appeared on her videos.

However, during the process, she found that her account “had a violation” attached to it and had been banned – and the same happened to her backup account.

Missy Sloan got her first tattoo 20 years back, and although she “loves” getting inked, she admitted her tattoo craze has decreased to some extent as she has several health issues. However, she said that she doesn’t know if the usage of ink in her skin could be related to her health.


Missy Sloan Loves Tattoos

She stated, “I love tattoos and the pain. I have at least three layers on my face and do it at least thrice a week. I have got my own room for tattoos, and when I need to go for it, I do it.”

However, the misery is she not only faces the problem on social media, but due to her sheer use of ink in the past, she was kicked out of pubs and cafes over her unique or strange look.

She added that she was pushed out of the pubs and cafes and couldn’t even get her driving lessons because the driving instructors were afraid of her.

Meanwhile, a publication approached the video hosting service (TikTok) to respond to Missy’s accounts, where the respondent said that they have Community Guidelines which outline what to do and do not allow the content on their platform, and they do not remove any content without reason.

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