Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Transport Employees Demand Permanent Status, Release of Salaries

Sat Sep 21 2024
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PESHAWAR: Dozens of contract employees of transport department of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa have demanded the government to make them permanent and pay their dues, a statement said on Saturday. In a statement, the affected employees of Road Transport Board of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa transport department said that they have been working without receiving salaries since long.

They added that they were recruited on fixed pay during the period of 18/01/2021 and 03/09/2021. The affected employees said that latter on, they were regularized under RTB Employee Regulation Act 2022, which was approved by the provincial assembly of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on 30/05/2022.

They added that the government did not implement the Act of the assembly and they have no other option but to knock the door of Peshawar High Court (PHC). They added that Peshawar High Court rejected their plea and then they decided to appeal against the decision. According to the affected employees, they challenged the decision of the Peshawar High Court in the Supreme Court of Pakistan.

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They added that the Supreme Court of Pakistan accepted their appeal and termed RTB Employee Regulation Act 2022 as valid.

They said that the provincial government and the Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa are not taking interest in the matter to regularize the employees. They demanded the provincial government to take immediate steps to regularize the employees as they are facing miseries in the current age of high inflation.

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