World Kashmir Awareness Forum Declares Indian Supreme Court’s Verdict Expected and Upsetting

Tue Dec 12 2023
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WASHINGTON: The Supreme Court of India upholds the decision of the Modi Government to strip the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IIOJK) of special status. The verdict though disappointing does not come as a surprise. This is the same court that confirmed the death sentence on Afzal Guru, notwithstanding the fact (own admission of the chief justice) that evidence for the alleged crime was not conclusive.

The judgment came “to satisfy the collective conscience of the nation.” The same court a few years ago issued a judgment giving the Hindu majority a right to build a temple in place of Babri Mosque. This decision came as a shock to legal luminaries who cast aspersion on the acumen of the judges of the highest court of the country. Any single or group of people expecting a fair judgment from Indian courts is exhibiting his/her naivety as the rule of law has been buried under BJP Hindutva rubble by the Indian government.

It is evident that the decisions regarding these cases are made within the precincts of establishment and all that is left for the judges is to narrate the judgment. Although very much expected this pronouncement is a slap on the face of freedom-seeking nations and institutions of the world that eloquently expostulate for the peaceful and amicable resolution of the Kashmir issue. India, especially the present government, has expansionist ambitions that can be detrimental, disastrous, and devastating for the whole region that includes three nuclear-powered states.

The appalling judgment passed today should leave no doubt in anybody’s mind that a peaceful resolution of the protracted problem of Kashmir is not a part of the Indian agenda. Thus, the onus is on world bodies like the United Nations to marshal all their resources to dissuade India from embarking on her nefarious designs. It must be emphasized here that today’s Supreme Court decision contravenes UN resolutions #122 and #126 adopted on January 24, 1957, and December 2, 1957, respectively. These resolutions prohibit any unilateral action targeted at changing the disputed nature of the State of Jammu and Kashmir.

Kashmiris Vow to Continue Struggle for Freedom from India

Today’s decision in no way will dampen the spirit of Kashmiris to attain freedom from Indian occupation. The torch of liberty, peace and justice will continue to burn in the hearts of enslaved people of Jammu & Kashmir and will not be doused by these horrendous decisions.

With this ultimate destructive blow, the moral foundation of the Indian judiciary lies shattered. The principles of law and the justice system have been forsaken within the country, leaving behind a wilderness teeming with opportunists. Indian authorities are deluding themselves if they think that their misguided actions and timid choices can suppress the voices of freedom.

The region of Kashmir has endured the sacrifice of over 100,000 young lives and the dignity of more than 11,000 sisters, and under no circumstances will they relinquish their peaceful quest for freedom and justice. The struggle will only gain momentum, and the inhabitants of Indian-occupied Kashmir will spare no effort to bring it to its inevitable resolution. The global community must decide whether they prefer a catastrophic conclusion to this struggle or if they will restrain India to ensure peace, tranquility, and justice prevail in Kashmir.

World powers must recall the words of Antonio Guterres, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, on August 10, 2019, emphasizing that “the position of the United Nations on this region (Kashmir) is governed by the Charter of the United Nations and applicable United Nations Security Council resolutions.”

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